ICD-10 code - Osteochondrosis of the spine (M42)
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is a degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the spine. This lumbosacral spine disease is one of the most common in modern medicine. In both women and men, the disease can cause temporary disability as well as disability.
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine has a chronic course, with a period of exacerbation.
Sources of disease
Medicine does not name unambiguous reasons which can cause such disease in women and men. Thus, we can conclude that the disease is multifactorial. The most popular theory about the development of the disease is a systematic process of tension of the muscular system, non-physiological muscle tension, as a result of overloading the vertebral segments, worsening of blood circulation. As a result, degeneration of the intervertebral discs, which leads to the occurrence of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine.
The following causes of the development of the disease in women and men are no less common:
- Causes that lie in endocrine and metabolic disorders.
- Causes, consisting of a hereditary predisposition to the disease.
- Causes that stem from microtraumas as well as autoimmune disorders.
- Causes associated with pathological processes of internal organs.
Those most predisposed to developing osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are people who have suffered a back injury or who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

disease symptoms
Medicine will highlight the following symptoms, manifested in different degrees of the disease in women and men:
- 1 degree.You may notice the manifestation of pain, which causes irritation of the nerve endings. There are local, acute or dull symptoms of low back pain. Quite often pain is shown elsewhere and is called reflex. The following symptoms may also be observed: Impaired circulation of limbs and ligaments as well as internal organs. As a result of impaired blood circulation, symptoms of pain appear in the area where the ligaments attach to the bone. Seals in this area are also observed. There are symptoms of pain in the lumbosacral segment, which radiate to the lower extremities. The functioning of the urinary system can be disturbed.
- 2 degrees.You may notice symptoms of discomfort in the lumbar spine, constant muscle fatigue.
- 3 degrees.There are symptoms associated with radicular syndrome. Such symptoms caused by radicular syndrome consist of a violation of the sensitivity of the affected area. Symptoms associated with radicular syndrome do not appear immediately. At first, symptoms are expressed in hypersensitivity, burning, tingling. Subsequently, there is a feeling of numbness, until a complete loss of sensation. Symptoms associated with radicular syndrome cause motor system dysfunction, including paralysis and atrophy. In addition, the symptoms associated with radicular syndrome are the manifestation of pain, located along the length of the legs. In addition to the signs with radicular syndrome, there is a violation of the sensitivity and motor functioning of the lower extremities.
- 4 degrees.Pain symptoms with radicular syndrome are less pronounced. At the same time, the range of motion of the spine is limited.

Basic treatment
The doctor makes a diagnosis based on the diagnosis. MRI, ECG, ultrasound and other studies will help establish the correct diagnosis. You also need to have an X-ray exam.
How to treat lumbar osteochondrosis in women and men? Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine involves a complex treatment that lasts a long time. As a rule, this treatment works at an advanced stage of the disease, when there are multiple intervertebral protrusions or hernias.
Treatment must be selected and carried out strictly individually in each case.
Treatment of muscle spasms should be carried out with the help of drugs - muscle relaxants.

Medicine determines that treatment with muscle relaxants, combined with the use of NSAIDs, physiotherapy and massage sessions, contributes to a faster recovery.
Blocking as a remedy
Blockage in osteochondrosis consists of injections with drugs that are injected into the affected area. Treatment with a method like blocking will help to instantly relieve the pain. Blockade consists of local anesthetic drugs.
Novocaine blockade treatment is the most popular in modern medicine. To relieve pain, the block is performed once every three days. It can also be noted that blocking for osteochondrosis is the safest treatment method.

Blockade generally does not cause side effects, as the drug has a local effect. It is possible to carry out treatment with this method as a block indefinitely, with each exacerbation of the disease.
Also, to relieve pain, blocking is used to eliminate inflammation, swelling and improve metabolism. To prolong the therapeutic effect, a method such as a blockade must include several drugs at the same time (novocaine and corticosteroids). Blocking must be performed by an experienced physician.
Proper nutrition is the key to health
In the case of osteochondrosis, as in any other disease, nutrition must be balanced, low-calorie, rich in various vitamins and minerals.
The nutrition of women and men should be rich in collagen, which acts as chondroprotectors.
Jellyfish and aspic are saturated with this component. If you include gelatinous meat in your diet, you can significantly improve the condition of connective tissue. In addition, nutrition should include a sufficient amount of fluid intake to maintain the condition of the tissues in the intervertebral discs.
There is a different diet for people with osteochondrosis. Which one is suitable for each specific case, the attending physician will determine.

Ring as a means of prevention
A tool like a hoop has been known since the time of our fathers. The rim is used both to improve well-being and to maintain the figure. You can spin the rim both at home and at the gym. The most important advantage is the availability of gymnastics and simplicity.
But treatment with a method like a hoop has its drawbacks. Before twisting the hoop, you need to consult a doctor. If there is a hernia of the lower back, it is forbidden to twist the rim. If a diagnosis of the thoracic spine is established, preventive exercises can be done.
If you twist the rim for a healthy person from osteochondrosis, then you can improve the functioning of your back muscles. In addition, the rim contributes to the active functioning of the vertebral section, which is an excellent prophylactic.
In summary, it is worth noting that if you twist the rim with osteochondrosis of the lumbar, then the entire load falls on the affected area. The rim may relieve the pain, but after a while it will come back again and with more force.

Hirudotherapy as a method of treating osteochondrosis
It is possible and possible to cure the disease with hirudotherapy! Leeches have a healing effect on the human body. Due to the action of the leech, there is a decrease in painful manifestations, the therapeutic effect of the drugs consumed and physical education are potentiated and the patient's recovery process is accelerated.
Treatment with the application of a leech is the beneficial effect of the enzyme produced by it. This enzyme is secreted with the help of leech saliva.
During treatment, the doctor applies a leech to the affected area. The leech bites the top layer of the skin, releasing its saliva into it, which can cure thrombosis, prevent blood clotting, and speed up the biochemical process. In addition, the action of a leech is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels, as well as their expansion.

Medical leeches are completely sterile. To cure a disease with a leech, you need to follow the sequence of actions - the duration of the first two leech treatment sessions is no more than thirty minutes. The third session involves the presence of a leech in the body for an hour. The wound after the leech is not treated with anything, and after the leech is removed, the patient is forbidden to lie on his back. This is necessary to prevent bleeding.
It is possible to cure osteochondrosis in women and men with ten procedures, between which you need to take a five-day break.
And the most important rule: a timely visit to the doctor will help to avoid negative consequences.